The Incredible Value of Hard Work.

We all want to get somewhere, but we don’t necessarily want to do what it takes to get there.

Like earning a million bucks or buying a really expensive car or landing that dream job of yours. We want all that good stuff but we don’t really want to go through the pain and effort of getting there because let’s face it.

It’s tough.

Life would be so much better if we could just wish for anything we wanted and get it right?


Because we don’t really learn or gain anything that way. That’s the easy way. And people who always take the easy way don’t really know the value of hard work and dedication.

Think of the last time you really put in 100% of your effort into doing something and the outcome was just as awesome as the work you put in. I’m willing to bet you felt amazing and learnt a whole lot along the way.

Getting there is just as important as being there.

Don’t run away from the tough journeys. Embrace them.

The more difficult journeys we go through, the more we challenge ourselves and build incredible mental and emotional strength. This means being even more positive and less negative.

People who recognize this fare so much better in achieving their goals. It’s all about putting in the work, learning from mistakes, and not giving up. Nothing is more satisfying than being to able to scream “I did it!!!” after working your butt off for countless hours.

4 thoughts on “The Incredible Value of Hard Work.

  1. It’s sad in this day and age that its a “me” centered world and it feels as though everyone believes they are entitled to everything they want. My grandparents and family before them sure didn’t have that mentality. Great article. This also hit home with me from a different aspect. I lost my 24 year old son about eight months ago to a car accident. I just want to jump to the end of the grieving process and be done with it but I know it doesn’t work that way. Your article reminded me of that, so thank you. Have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you too for sharing your story with us. It really saddens me to hear about your great loss and I can only wish you nothing more but strength, hope and patience for time to heal. You’ve made it this far in the grieving process and I’m very certain you’ll make it out of this even stronger, wiser and with a better peace of mind than the past 8 months. You have a great day/evening too! And I hope this blog will continue to make you feel better and inspire you to continue fighting.

      Liked by 2 people

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