If you want to be Happy.

You are amazing the way you are.

And you don’t need anyone to tell you if you are or you’re not.

We’re all different, unique and special in our different ways and that’s why we should embrace it all. Embrace everything about ourselves, even the funny weird quirks that we have because that’s what truly makes us different and special from others.

We all have different fingerprints from others. No two person shares the same fingerprint. So why should you want to be like someone else when your fingerprint clearly tells you to be different?

Like wishing you had the life of someone glamorous you know or wishing you had features like a certain celebrity and even hating yourself for such reasons.

Stop that.

Be content with who you are and what you have. Because true happiness happens only when you can accept that. Wishing that you could change this or that about yourself or your spouse or anything else will never make you happy.

If you can’t accept things the way they are, you’ll never truly be happy.

Some people will say things like,

“I’ll be happy when I have a nice body”.
“I’ll be happy when my kids behave and do better in school”.
“I’ll be happy when I earn [insert a huge sum of money here] every month”.

But the truth is, once you’ve attained all those things, you’ll still keep wanting more and you’ll never be satisfied.

That’s why there are unhappy rich people and happy poor people. It’s not the money or materialistic stuff that makes you happy. It’s really the mindset you have towards the materialistic stuff and the people you surround yourself with that’ll make a huge impact on your happiness.

Be a slave to the material world and you’ll always be searching for the next high to fuel your temporary happiness. But master it and you’ll find that the quality of your life does not depend on how much you have but what you have.

Appreciate what you have, because there are a lot more people and children we don’t see, who are suffering so much more than us.

23 thoughts on “If you want to be Happy.

  1. This is actually really well done. I love how original it is, I can really get a sense for your style as a writer. I have no idea if you’re a fan of hip hop, but this post made me think back to a J.Cole song by the title of ‘love yourz’ because they share the same message: You will never be happy in life if you cannot learn to appreciate what you already have.

    Anyways, keep up the good work I’m definitely going to check out more of your stuff, and thanks for stopping by my blog I really appreciate it!

    Take care – David.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you David! Your words mean a lot and I’m really thankful you took the time to read the stuff here and post your hearty comment. I listen to a bit of hip hop though and I’ll be sure to check out the song. You have a great day/evening ahead of you!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Being content and contentment is two separate beings. But is one whole of a matter, we are always being reminded of what it can do for us for our own stability of our own lives.


  3. I am buying in to the theory that being content adds quite a junk towards being happy. I just want to add, that to get yourself surrounded by content people can quadruple your happiness. Content people will provide a perfect environment to become and remain content.


    1. Yes thank you for pointing that out Joachim! I’m a big believer that our environment greatly influences our overall well-being. Surround yourself with positive people and you become more positive. Thank you for your insightful opinion!


  4. Your liking one if my post brought me here, thanks for that. Just read this and feel myself to be lucky that I found you. At any stage in life from time to time one needs such pep talk. So whenever I am down will surly come to you. Have a nice and lovely day. 😊


      1. I looked for your about page bit couldn’t find, can you tell something about you that includes your name too, 😶


      2. Sorry about that Rekha but you can call me Raf. The reason I don’t have it written anywhere here is because I don’t think my name’s as important as the articles I write to help others. But I’m really flattered that you took the time and effort to find out more about me!


  5. Life can be a cycle of events that separate us from our own self fulfillment and the challenges we face bring us back repeatedly. This article speaks volumes with ease, well written! (And awesome Blog!)


    1. Definitely! I like to think that challenges serve as reminders for us to regroup our thoughts and see that problems are only problems if we allow them to be. Thank you for stopping by! Your kind words mean alot.


  6. Thank you for visiting my site and supporting it. Thank you for being such lovely being. I’m honored. I love this post.


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